Archive for the ‘software’ Category

A number of weeks ago, I was ecstatic when I found out about the Adsweep plugin for Google Chrome. From the homepage, it looked promising. I installed it and found that it worked pretty okay. It’d get better over time, right? Apparently not. My biggest problem with the plugin was that there were so many […]

I have to say: I’ve loved Chrome from the minute I started using it.  What do I like about it?  Mostly the speed.  Throughout the day, I have racing thoughts–things I want to look up, news I want to read, friends’ statuses I want to check.  Firefox was much too slow (even though I keep […]

I just saw in the Gmail blog that they added an Undo Send feature.  Seems like a pretty cool feature, but not as useful as the Outlook (Exchange) feature.  This Gmail Undo Send only gives you 5 seconds.  It does not, however, let you suck back an email a day later after you’ve had time […]

For some reason, when I clicked links in TweetDeck, they would open in FireFox even though my default browser is Chrome. Here’s how to change that on XP.

There’s a weird, undescriptive error you might come across if you use the CMS editor in PrestaShop.  It will say “an error occurred while updating object cms ()”.  That isn’t very helpful.  It turns out that there are some “taboo” words that aren’t allowed to be used.  It looks like it’s there to prevent sql hacking.  If […]

I came across this problem when looking to install Google Apps on a domain.  It gives me this problem on both of my computers as well as some VMs I have.  I don’t know why I’m having this problem–I don’t know a single thing in Chinese and have never selected that for a language. I […]

I came across an interesting article on Data Center Knowledge.  It compiled a few statistics about Facebook usage.  Here’s a quick overview: Total users: 140 million New users: over 600,000 per day Users outside the US: 70% User profiles updated: 13 million per day Average friends: 100 per user Photos hosted: 10 billion Photos added: […]

I just tried the new Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin.  My experience so far has been flawless.  I shut off Pidgin, ran the Windows Installer and started Pidgin back up.  Then I created an account in Pidgin’s “manage accounts” area.  I didn’t have any trouble at all.  So far, it’s worked 100%.  I really like […]

About this blog

I'm Jon Chin. I love technology, food, and learning. I served a mission in the Philippines and loved it. You probably can't type on my keyboard because I don't have qwerty installed--I use Colemak. I'm obsessed with learning about North Korea and abandoned anything.
