Archive for February, 2009

Two things about RyanAir, an Irish airline, came out on the news this week that are particularly appalling.  Both their rude response to a blogger and a potential new pay to pee policy tell me that RyanAir hates their customers. I got most of this information for you guys from this article at Give […]

There’s a weird, undescriptive error you might come across if you use the CMS editor in PrestaShop.  It will say “an error occurred while updating object cms ()”.  That isn’t very helpful.  It turns out that there are some “taboo” words that aren’t allowed to be used.  It looks like it’s there to prevent sql hacking.  If […]


In: Uncategorized

13 Feb 2009

For the 1234567890 countdown, I celebrated by watching coolepochcountdown.  It was pretty exciting.  When it was time, the screen flashed and fireworks were shot and music was played!  Here’s a screenshot.

This past weekend, I went to Seattle Startup Weekend 2 and talked about it at jongela.  In this post, I’ll talk about the more technical parts of the experience.  When we first got there, several people (over 50 of them!) gave quick idea pitches.  They ranged from cooking websites to crowdsourcing to iPhone apps.  A […]

I came across this problem when looking to install Google Apps on a domain.  It gives me this problem on both of my computers as well as some VMs I have.  I don’t know why I’m having this problem–I don’t know a single thing in Chinese and have never selected that for a language. I […]

About this blog

I'm Jon Chin. I love technology, food, and learning. I served a mission in the Philippines and loved it. You probably can't type on my keyboard because I don't have qwerty installed--I use Colemak. I'm obsessed with learning about North Korea and abandoned anything.
