My Chrome wishlist: just 3 features to perfection

In: software

11 Jun 2009

I have to say: I’ve loved Chrome from the minute I started using it.  What do I like about it?  Mostly the speed.  Throughout the day, I have racing thoughts–things I want to look up, news I want to read, friends’ statuses I want to check.  Firefox was much too slow (even though I keep my plugins to a minimum), finally opening a browser window in 5-10 seconds.  Chrome on the other hand, happily gives me a window in half a second (maybe even less!).

Since Chrome came out, I’ve changed my usage to about 90% Chrome.  I use Firefox every now and then for some occasional debugging.  And Safari sometimes when I want to register for free stuff online but have already used Chrome and Firefox and I’m too lazy to go locate and clear the cookie.

With the somewhat recent advent of Adsweep, there are only three features that are keeping Chrome from being my 100% perfect browser:

Print Preview
I’m so cheap!  Even though my printer has automatic duplexing (that means it automatically prints to both sides of the paper), I like to make sure what I print is still in my budget.  I’ll even tweak the margins and zoom to make sure it’s cheap enough.  Give me Print Preview so I know what I’m getting!

Smooth Scrolling
This has irritated me ever since I made the move from Internet Explorer to Firefox back in 2006.  It hurts my eyes–I do tons of scrolling and it’d be a lot nicer to have the pages gently gliding across my screen rather than jumping a line at a time.

Right-click Properties
A lot of times I’ll see a graphic and think “I wonder what they named that” or “I wonder if there’s more where that came from”.  In Firefox or IE, I would just right-click on the element and then “properties”.  Bam!  I would see what the file is named and the dimensions.  Having this feature would be pretty useful on websites that don’t include a caption or don’t tell where the photo was taken.

So if any Chromium developers are reading this: please develop these features!!  Then my life will be complete!

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About this blog

I'm Jon Chin. I love technology, food, and learning. I served a mission in the Philippines and loved it. You probably can't type on my keyboard because I don't have qwerty installed--I use Colemak. I'm obsessed with learning about North Korea and abandoned anything.
