Your other chin
In: development|startup
13 Jul 2009The WebFaction install script for CakePHP (at was a bit outdated so I modified it for CakePHP Enjoy! Update: Apparently WordPress wasn’t displaying the code correctly. I’ve saved the file locally so you can install it just by clicking here. #!/usr/local/bin/python2.5 “”” CakePHP Notes: -If CakePHP isn’t going to be web accessible […]
In: development|software
25 Jun 2009A number of weeks ago, I was ecstatic when I found out about the Adsweep plugin for Google Chrome. From the homepage, it looked promising. I installed it and found that it worked pretty okay. It’d get better over time, right? Apparently not. My biggest problem with the plugin was that there were so many […]
Have you ever started a document thinking “Man, tons of other people must have done this same document or something similar. I wish there was something I could use as a sample or template”? That’s exactly what I was thinking today. And then I found .docstoc. This website is a huge repository (over 3 million […]
In: development|startup
5 Mar 2009I was revising the tutorial on Mark The Dark and decided I needed some graphics. Seeing that I’m cheap, I looked for free stock photo sites. I compiled a list of the best sites I found. These photos are great for using on websites when you want to fill up an empty space or even if […]
In: development|software
18 Feb 2009There’s a weird, undescriptive error you might come across if you use the CMS editor in PrestaShop. It will say “an error occurred while updating object cms ()”. That isn’t very helpful. It turns out that there are some “taboo” words that aren’t allowed to be used. It looks like it’s there to prevent sql hacking. If […]
In: development|startup
12 Feb 2009This past weekend, I went to Seattle Startup Weekend 2 and talked about it at jongela. In this post, I’ll talk about the more technical parts of the experience. When we first got there, several people (over 50 of them!) gave quick idea pitches. They ranged from cooking websites to crowdsourcing to iPhone apps. A […]
In: development|software
10 Feb 2009I came across this problem when looking to install Google Apps on a domain. It gives me this problem on both of my computers as well as some VMs I have. I don’t know why I’m having this problem–I don’t know a single thing in Chinese and have never selected that for a language. I […]
In: development|startup
11 Dec 2008I decided to make a website ( to be a light graffiti community. If you don’t know what light graffiti is, it’s a fun technique where you take LED (and other) lights and “draw” while the camera is taking the picture (you have to adjust your camera settings to do this). Light graffiti is pretty […]
This post walks you through how to create a catch-all email for any emails sent to your domain that don’t resolve to an actual email account. This is handy when people type your name wrong or think that there’s a when that account really doesn’t exist. Most of the tutorials I found have you […]
In: development
10 Oct 2008My problem was that whenever I sent an email from my email (hosted by hostgator) to my email at (email managed with Google Apps for domains), the message bounced, replying with this error: 550-Verification failed for <email> 550-No Such User Here 550 Sender verify failed (state 14). It only happened for the […]
I'm Jon Chin. I love technology, food, and learning. I served a mission in the Philippines and loved it. You probably can't type on my keyboard because I don't have qwerty installed--I use Colemak. I'm obsessed with learning about North Korea and abandoned anything.
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