Checklist for transferring a website

In: development|software

27 Feb 2013

There’s a lot of stuff to do when transferring a website, so I compiled a list of things to not forget. This list takes the point of view of transferring a website that was purchased from somebody else, although a lot of the items still apply.

  1. Initiate the domain transfer. Each registrar has a slightly different process, so check with them to find out how to make the transfer. This process takes at least five days, so I like to do this first. If you want to minimize the total amount of time it takes for the complete site transfer, you should do this right after step 9. The domain is one of the most important assets in a site purchase, so I prefer to do this first-thing.
  2. Set up the web host that the site will be moving to. I use HostGator, which has been a pretty good PHP/WordPress host. I have a reseller account so all of my websites are completely sectored off from each other. This makes managing the sites very clean and easy.
  3. Transfer the files from the old host to the new host.
  4. Transfer all the databases (if any) from the old host to the new host.
  5. Transfer all email accounts from the old host to the new host. If applicable, transfer ownership of the Google Apps account.
  6. Set up AdSense for the new site. Remember to create ad units for all ads on the site and to update all ad codes. Also, create AdSense custom channels.
  7. Transfer ownership of Google Analytics account or set up a new account. Remember to update the Analytics code if you’ve set up a new account.
  8. Test the new website and fix any issues. You can hard-code the domain and IP in your computer’s hosts file so you can see the new site without the rest of the world seeing it. Just remember to remove it when you’re done!
  9. Change the DNS for the domain to point to the DNS servers of the new host
  10. Transfer ownership of Facebook, Twitter, and all other social media accounts.

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I'm Jon Chin. I love technology, food, and learning. I served a mission in the Philippines and loved it. You probably can't type on my keyboard because I don't have qwerty installed--I use Colemak. I'm obsessed with learning about North Korea and abandoned anything.
