Archive for March, 2009

I saw a Subaru commerical the other day that caught my interest.  In it, they showed several boys in uniforms competing in what appeared to be a Pinewood Derby.  Since I was a Cub Scout for several years and have fond memories of building Pinewood Derby cars, I wanted to see what their message was. […]

I just saw in the Gmail blog that they added an Undo Send feature.  Seems like a pretty cool feature, but not as useful as the Outlook (Exchange) feature.  This Gmail Undo Send only gives you 5 seconds.  It does not, however, let you suck back an email a day later after you’ve had time […]

For some reason, when I clicked links in TweetDeck, they would open in FireFox even though my default browser is Chrome. Here’s how to change that on XP.

I was revising the tutorial on Mark The Dark and decided I needed some graphics.  Seeing that I’m cheap, I looked for free stock photo sites.  I compiled a list of the best sites I found.  These photos are great for using on websites when you want to fill up an empty space or even if […]

About this blog

I'm Jon Chin. I love technology, food, and learning. I served a mission in the Philippines and loved it. You probably can't type on my keyboard because I don't have qwerty installed--I use Colemak. I'm obsessed with learning about North Korea and abandoned anything.
